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Weight gain during the menopause

Are you whacking on the weight despite calorie counting; exercising and the weight does not seem to come off?

Weight gain during menopause is something women face and find challenging. The weight begins to creep up as early as perimenopause and what used to work previously to maintain a healthy weight no longer works, this is because of the hormonal changes that happen in the transition into menopause.

Rather than counting those calories, it is best to focus on living healthy. Hormone changes that fluctuate during each phase combined with the ageing process can all seem to be working against us. Nutrients are important such as fibre to help control your blood glucose levels.

There are several steps you can take to make weight loss easier during this time of a woman’s life. There is no “one size fits all” and therefore it can be trial and error until you find out what works best for you. Here are some top tips to help you to find your way to what works for you.

1. Fasting. Studies have shown that intermittent (IF) can be helpful in weight control for menopausal women. There are different ways of doing IF such as the 5:2 and 16:8, all of which restrict restricting calorie intake within a certain time period. These types of diets have different rules about how and when you can eat. It is not suitable for everyone such as those with certain health conditions therefore it is always best to speak to a healthcare professional before starting.

2. Increase protein. Our muscles require protein to be able to support muscle growth and repair. Studies have shown having a higher protein intake is associated with lean body mass in postmenopausal women. Also increasing your protein levels helps you to feel full and satisfied.

3. Reduce carbohydrate intake. Reducing your carbohydrate intake as we transition into menopause has been shown to support weight loss and also help with abdominal fat (the fat around the middle). Reducing your carbohydrate intake does not need to be extremely low!

4. Increase fibre. Consumption of whole grains (complex carbohydrates), with a low glycaemic index, compared to refined carbohydrates contains fibre. Studies have shown consumption of whole grains instead of refined grains helps to reduce adiposity (fat around the middle). It is recommended to have at least 30g of fibre intake per day. Consuming higher fibre within your diet can help with increased insulin sensitivity, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss. Top tip- try to increase fibre slowly to avoid any unwanted side effects!

5. Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet helps to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin resistance. It has also been shown in studies to improve muscle mass in postmenopausal women. This may be because the Mediterranean diet has higher amounts of plant-based foods which are full of nutrient qualities to help preserve muscles.

6. Resistance training. Studies have found that menopause can change the way the woman’s muscles use oxygen, and resistance training with weights can be beneficial in preserving or even increasing lean muscle mass. Lean muscle normally declines with hormonal changes as we age, meaning that it is important more than ever to exercise during this period. Taking part in resistance training helps not only to build muscle to support weight loss and rev up your metabolism but also helps to build bone strength.

7. Improve your quality of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can affect our mood, make us feel irritable or depressed. Studies have shown that poor sleep is linked to weight gain. Women who struggle with their sleep have higher levels of the hunger hormone “ghrelin” and lower levels of the feeling full hormone “leptin” and therefore struggle with their weight.

8. Reduce stress levels. Elevated cortisol levels can increase your appetite and may lead to overeating therefore increasing abdominal fat which can be challenging. Are you struggling with your weight and just don’t know where to start? I offer a range of programmes and testing options to support you along your journey to get your life back, so you feel fabulous again. If that feels like you, and you would love the support to get you on track to find the right path for you, book your complimentary call here

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